Music 音樂

貝里尼《夢遊女》 La Sonnambula


  • 演出時間 Time

    • 10/4(Fri.)19 : 30
    • 10/5(Sat.)19 : 30
  • 演出場地 Space

  • 票價 Price

  • 演出單位 Performers

    • 北藝大音樂系歌劇班
    • 北藝大歌劇管絃樂團
    • 北藝大合唱團


貝里尼《夢遊女》 La Sonnambula 貝里尼《夢遊女》 La Sonnambula 貝里尼《夢遊女》 La Sonnambula 貝里尼《夢遊女》 La Sonnambula 貝里尼《夢遊女》 La Sonnambula 貝里尼《夢遊女》 La Sonnambula 貝里尼《夢遊女》 La Sonnambula 貝里尼《夢遊女》 La Sonnambula 貝里尼《夢遊女》 La Sonnambula 貝里尼《夢遊女》 La Sonnambula 貝里尼《夢遊女》 La Sonnambula 貝里尼《夢遊女》 La Sonnambula 貝里尼《夢遊女》 La Sonnambula 貝里尼《夢遊女》 La Sonnambula 貝里尼《夢遊女》 La Sonnambula 貝里尼《夢遊女》 La Sonnambula 貝里尼《夢遊女》 La Sonnambula 貝里尼《夢遊女》 La Sonnambula 貝里尼《夢遊女》 La Sonnambula 貝里尼《夢遊女》 La Sonnambula 貝里尼《夢遊女》 La Sonnambula 貝里尼《夢遊女》 La Sonnambula


似夢似真如幻 × 歌詠愛的旋律



A Surreal Dream × Singing the Melody of Love

La Sonnambula (The Sleepwalker) was an opera piece written by Vincenzo Bellini when he was thirty years old. It is the most perfect and representative work created by Bellini, who is one of the greatest composers of the 19th century. Praised for its unique theme, the opera initially caught the attention of the public due to its story about how an act of sleepwalking led to the disruption of a marriage.

The story takes place in 19th century rural Switzerland on the eve before Amina, a beautiful village woman, was to wed her fiance, Elvino. Although Amina and Elvino were very much in love, this did not stop Lisa, the proprietress of the inn, from having a secret crush on Elvino. On the night before the marriage, Amina accidentally sleepwalked into the room of Count Rodolfo, who was also staying at the inn. Lisa lied and told Elvino that Amina had cheated on him. When Elvino saw Amina sleeping in the count’s bed, he immediately cancelled the marriage and married Lisa. It wasn’t until Amina once again sleepwalked that the truth was revealed and the two lovers were once again united.

  • 作曲家/貝里尼(Vincenzo Bellini, 1801-1835)
  • 劇作家/羅曼尼(Felice Romani, 1788-1865)
  • 導演/林惠珍
  • 指揮/吳曜宇
  • 劇組助理/康琳、耿安
  • 鋼琴排練/王庭悅
  • 合唱團/音樂學系大學部聲樂組
  • 樂團/音樂學系歌劇樂團

  • 演出者:

    阿蜜娜 Amina/梁又中、李鈺涵
    埃爾維諾 Elvino/劉成華、陳奕安
    魯道夫 Rodofo/蕭殖全、陳集安
    莉莎 Lisa/莊苡莛、李師語
    阿萊西奧 Alessio/鄭又瑄、紀景華
    泰雷莎 Teresa/彭靖淳、莊苡莛
    諾達洛 Notaro/潘仕豪

  • 合唱團名單:
