Incubation Teams
- 聯絡人:劉銘維
- 連絡電話:0931-088101
- 地址:新北市八里區龍米路一段258號3樓
- E-mail:
- 官方網站
- 臉書專頁
- Contact:LIU Ming-Wei
- Telephone:0931-088101
- Address:
- 3F., No. 258, Sec. 1, Longmi Rd., Bali Dist., New Taipei City, Taiwan 249
- Website:/
DESIGNER+ARTIST的合作,如同「禾+口=和」的新文化概念,整合藝術領域與設計領域之不同專業,讓設計成為創造、藝術為設計企劃,使設計品 質無限加值。 大多人總把藝術作品賦予高高在上的感覺,但「DESIGNER+ARTIST」認為藝術其實也可以很親切,若是商品加入了藝術設計,不但能提高質感,無形 中也讓藝術變得更平易近人,更貼近大眾的生活。此外,藝術工作者常常有一些天馬行空的想法,可提供企業界另一種不同的思考方向,讓商品產生更多驚喜。 團隊以跨領域整合平台概念,以藝術+設計跨領域整合方式累積豐富經歷與穩定案源,提供以視覺設計為主的服務如:網站規劃設計、平面設計、跨領域整合企畫… 等。
Start from the art. Approach people through the design.
DESIGNER+ARTIST is a collaboration between the designer and the artist. In their hands, design is a form of creation and art is part of the design process; together they create values that are far beyond just adding the two elements to each other.
Some people tend to think art belongs to only a small number of people and feel alienated. Here in DESIGNER+ARTIST, however, we think art can be friendly and easy-going: products with artistic design can improve their quality and become appealing to a wider audience. Furthermore, artists’ creativity, which is not confined to logic, can provide enterprises new inspirations and make their products more attractive.
Our team works on a cross-disciplinary, integrative platform to provide the best service to our clients. Our visual design services include website planning and design, graphic design, cross-disciplinary project planning, etc.