Activity 校園活動
演出時間 Time
- 10/16 (Wed.) 開放參觀
報名方式 Registration
- 電話:(02)2896-1000 #1252
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一 趟深度的北藝大之旅即將展開!一
國立臺北藝術大學OPEN DAY將於本校人文廣場盛大舉辦,帶領您穿梭於音樂學系、傳統音樂學系、美術學系、戲劇學系、劇場設計學系、舞蹈學系、電影創作學系、新媒體藝術學系及動畫學系等各個學系進行實地參訪,包括音樂學系「課程體驗」、傳統音樂學系「敲敲打打闖五關」、戲劇學系「戲劇體驗營」、劇場設計學系「課程體驗」、舞蹈學系「數位展示及迎賓表演」、美術學系「藝術微課程」、電影創作學系「OPEN 拍電影」、新媒體藝術學系「新媒體.新藝境.新體驗」、動畫學系「動畫體驗」,各學系特色參訪內容你絕對不可錯過,並定時開放戲劇廳、舞蹈廳、電影院及關渡美術館入內深度參觀。
Do you want to tour one of Taiwan’s most beautiful campuses and indulge in a feast of art?
一 An in-depth tour of the Taipei National University of the Arts is about to begin!一
Organized by Taipei National University of the Arts, the OPEN DAY is a major event that will be held at the school’s cultural plaza. It is designed to lead participants through attractions staged by its many programs, such as the traditional music, arts, theatre, stage design, dance, filmmaking, multimedia and animation departments. Participants are invited to take an in-depth look at ongoing curriculum by experiencing classes offered by the school’s music programs: percussion classes offered by the traditional music program, a drama camp offered by the theatre program, sit-in sessions at the stage design program, a digital exhibition and welcoming performance by the dance program, a micro-seminar offered by the arts program, an OPEN lecture on filmmaking by the school of film, a demonstrative exhibition by the school of new media arts, and an introductory exhibition by the school of animation.
The OPEN DAY event is packed with compelling offerings by the school’s various programs. Visitors are also invited to tour the school’s dance and theatre halls as well as the on-campus movie theatres and the Kuandu Museum of Fine Arts for a closer look.