Music 音樂
南管戲:《雪梅教子》Lamkuan Opera 〝Se-Mui Teaches Her Son〞
演出時間 Time
- 10/17(Thu.)19 : 30
演出場地 Space
票價 Price
- $100 Buy Now
演出單位 Performers
- 北藝大傳統音樂系

Nanguan Opera, also known as Liyuan Opera, is one of China’s oldest theatrical art forms. Nanguan originates from the Quanzhou area of Fuiian Province, and has since spread throughout the Minnan dialect speaking regions of Zhangzhou and Xiamen. It then went later to Taiwan, and South East Asian countries via overseas Chinese immigrants. Nanguan Opera is influenced by the folk music of the Song Dynasty, and was first adopted by Minnan-speaking troupes in the Tang Dynasty. It is also known as Liyuan Opera. The Liyuan Opera landmark performance piece.
“Shue Mei Educates Her Son”, tells a tale of Shue Mei, whose hand in marriage had been promised to the family of Shang Lin. However, due to a decline in Shang Lin’s family fortune, Shue Mei’s family had elected to marry off a handmaid in place of Shue Mei. Distraught over the ruse, Shang Lin ended his life tragically. Upon finding out the death of Shang Lin, Shue Mei pledged to uphold her end of the bargain, and took the son of Shang Lin and the handmaid under her wing, committing herself in educating the child. Later on, the child, named Shang Luo, had committed a transgression. Shang Luo had rebelled against Shue Mei’s admonishments, in response, Shue Mei had destroyed a loom machine, vowing to never punish the child again……