Theatre 戲劇
《動物農莊》Animal Farm
演出時間 Time
- 10/18(Fri.)19 : 30
- 10/19(Sat.)14 : 30
- 10/20(Sun.)14 : 30
演出場地 Space
票價 Price
- $400 Buy Now
演出單位 Performers
- 平台計劃(馬來西亞)
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馬來西亞「平台計劃」劇團成立於2005年,是一支融合表演藝術、建築、文學以及新媒體藝術的跨界團隊。《動物農莊》改編自英國著名小說家喬治.歐威爾(George Orwell, 1903-1950)的作品,藉由一座由動物自治的「動物農莊」,展現獨裁統治下的各種醜陋面貌。劇團改編《動物農莊》,大膽叩問權力和慾望底層的闇黑糾葛,隱然呼應現實生活中馬來西亞民怨不斷、光怪陸離的政治民生異像。「平台計劃」劇團多次嘗試探索不同的劇場語言,這次在《動物農莊》,演員們以擬人化的手法,創造另一種更具生命力的身體表演。
Before the revolution, they were fools. After the revolution, they were still fools.
Malaysia's Pentas Project Theatre Production is an interdisciplinary art group that was founded in 2005. Its works works span the performing arts, architecture, literature, and new media art. Animal Farm is an adaptation of the novel of the same title by George Orwell (1903 - 1950). The work tells the story of an animal farm, which reveals the ugly aspects of an authoritarian state. Pentas Project’s adaptation makes bold statements that question the desires and motivations behind power struggles, echoing the bizarre political landscape of Malaysia and the grievances of its people. Since its founding, Pentas Project has experimented with many different kinds of theatrical formats. For Animal Farm, the performances use personification as a means to produce a lively performance.
Administrative collaborator: Mobius Strip Theatre
創作與製作團隊 Creative and Production Team/
- 導演/羅國文
- 劇本改編/陳燕棣
- 演員/鄧壹齡 曾宏輝 陳麗玲 林冬輝 巫紹棋 李弈翰
- 製作經理/區秀詒
- 舞台設計/張忠勇(1974-2010)
- 音樂與音效設計/吳聖雄 張俊開
- 服裝設計/Dominique Devorsine
- 燈光設計/羅國文
- 佈景製作/王泰偉
- 舞台監督/何慧婷
- 音樂音效執行/王冠庭
- 宣傳/艾立森
平台計劃 Pentas Project Theatre Production/
多元文化和語境一直是馬來西亞獨有的原生特殊環境,東西方文化的歧意和衝突形成的混交特色,催生出風格獨具的藝術形式流派。「平台計劃」的成立緣起,就是冀望從這個多元文 化器皿中汲取養分,以多元交流凝視自身、瞭望國際。「平台計劃/劇團」成立於2005年。「平台」,即平面的舞台,是一個沒有瓦牆與界限的交流場域。
「平台計劃」也是一個移動的魔術游擊隊,成員 們的養成修 持,囊括表演藝術、錄像、建築、舞踏、詩等形式各異的藝術專精,他們在其中呼吸、思 考、創作,自由而相容。團員們在不斷加強自身專業裝備之餘, 也常跨足平台以外,積極探 索形式各異的藝術交流合作,尋求藝術專精的躍進,打造幻詭迷人的藝術魔法。
「平台計劃」成立以來,除固定年度新作發表和國內外藝術交流計劃以外,2008 年起,以系列表演藝術工作坊的引介,逐步搭建藝術教育與交流推廣的橋樑。
平台計劃藝術總監 Pentas Project Theatre Production/
Artistic Director
1993年畢業於馬來西亞藝術學院戲劇系,並於2005年創辦了「平台計劃」,一直致力於搭建橋樑以多元藝術交流為本的團隊。曾獲馬來西亞金馬崙藝術大獎的「最佳導演」、「最佳中文劇本」、「最佳舞台設計」及「最佳燈光設計」獎的羅國文,創作向來善於綜合多種劇場的元素,尤其是影像、燈光、聲響、演員肢體和劇場的戲劇架構間交錯互動所呈現的效果,豐富了對劇場視覺空間及時間的探索。導演的作品包括了《aku》、《城失空想》、《“思想+自分”報告》、《一個名叫紅豆妹的摩登師奶》及《動物農莊》等。2005 年他獲得美國「亞洲文化協會」獎學金遠赴美國遊學半年,也經常受邀參與國際劇場合作交流計劃,曾赴日本、韓國、印度、中國、菲律賓、泰國、新加坡及德國等地參與演出和交流。
Artistic Director of Pentas Project, Kok Man, is an established theatre director,actor, lighting designer and theatre lecturer. Graduated from the MalaysiaInstitute of the Arts in 1993, Kok Man founded Pentas Project in 2005. He wasa multiple recipients of Best Director, Best Chinese Script, Best Set Desin and Best Lighting Design in BOH Cameronian Arts Awards in Malaysia. His work usually integrated various theatrical elements such as visual imageries,lighting, sound, physical movement and interactions between dramatic structures of theatre, exploring rich development of space and time in theatre visuals. Kok Man had directed performances such as aku, The Lost and the Ecliptic, Repot [Mind+Mine], A Modern Woman Named Ang Tau Mui, Animal Farm etc. In 2005, Kok Man established Pentas Project, and he went to New York for six (6) months as he was awarded a fellowship from the “Asian Cultural Council”. He was invited frequently to participate in international theatre collaboration project. He has traveled to Japan, Korea, India, Thailand,Shanghai, Germany and Singapore sharing his work and interacts with people in these different continents.
An initiative supported by