Theatre 戲劇
《椅子》The Chairs
演出時間 Time
- 10/11(Fri.)19 : 30
- 10/12(Sat.)19 : 30
- 10/13(Sun.)14 : 30
演出場地 Space
票價 Price
- $400 Buy Now
演出單位 Performers
- 百景社(日本)
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日本百景社成立於2000年。以東京東北部50公里處的築波市為據點開展戲劇活動。堅持戲劇是「場所」的藝術理念,演出不限於既定的劇場空間,而利用野外、田野等等各式空間進行創作。帶著對日本文化以東京獨尊現狀的質疑,尋求文化的多樣性,探索在與本土的關聯中產生的獨一無二的戲劇形式。其戲劇演出演目以日本及國外的現代或古典作品為核心,以虛構性極強的漫畫式的肢體語言對古典進行表現。《椅子》原劇作為荒謬劇代表作家尤涅斯科(Eugène Ionesco) 1952年所發表,2011年百景社於首度東京演出,後並參加「利賀亞洲演出家藝術節(Toga Festival)」於戶外場地演出。故事講述老夫婦居住在四面環水孤島上,兩人準備椅子要讓受邀前來聆聽演說的客人坐,卻看不見前來的客人的身影,而為了招待看不見身影的客人,椅子越排越多,越來越多......
Founded in 2000, the Hundred Views Society of Japan is located 50 km northeast of Tokyo in Tsukuba, where it launches many theatrical events. Adhering to the notion that “theatre” is an artistic concept of the “venue”, the group does not limit itself to the pre-defined space of a theatre. Instead, it utilizes the outdoors, fields, and other various spaces for its productions. Challenging the status quo of Japanese culture defined by Tokyo, it seeks cultural diversity, while exploring the unique dramatic forms produced amongst local associations. Its theatrical performances are based on modern or classical works from Japan or abroad. Its performers interpret the classics through highly fictional comic-style body language. Its original production, Chair, is based on a story published in 1952 by the absurdist author, Eugène Ionesco, depicting an old couple living on an island surrounded by water. The two prepare chairs for those invited to come and listen to a speech. However, one cannot see a single sign of their guests. Yet, to serve these unseen guests, they continue to arrange increasingly more rows of chairs……
- 原著/尤涅斯科(Eugène Ionesco)
- 編導/志賀亮史
- 演出者/村上厚二、鬼頭愛、栗山辰徳
- 舞台設計/森岡美希、渡邊のり子
- 燈光設計/阿部康子、横原由祐
- 音效&音樂設計/国末武
- 製作/根岸佳奈子